Breathe new life into your artwork. Fabric prints offer more detail, more vivid colour and when backlit, brings a whole new dimension and allows you to create stunning center pieces.

Breathe new life into your artwork. Fabric prints offer more detail, more vivid colour and when backlit, brings a whole new dimension and allows you to create stunning center pieces.

fabric printing

Digital fabric printing has many benefits to your artwork, your planet and your bottom line.

Fabric printing brings higher resolution and flexibility. Using an extremely precise technology, it makes it possible to produce very crisp images with greater accuracy and bolder and brighter colours.

This type of printing also uses fewer resources. Compared to screen printing, digital fabric printing uses much less energy and water.

In addition we can offer faster samples and reduced delivery times, and because it requires less labour it can be done at lower overall costs.


refresh your space

Quickly and inexpensively change the mood of your space

In a matter of minutes you can change out images and introduce a whole new vibe in your room or space. nikkō makes it easy to change out pallets, tell new stories and turn rooms into vibrant emotive spaces. 

nikkō fabric recycling program

We want to make it easier for our clients to recycle our fabrics, so we created the nikkō fabric recycling program. 

convenient shipping label for old fabrics

authenticity letter explaining how the fabric is recycled

no hassle and simple to implement

good and responsible business practice

nikkō fabric imagery & print

Fabric Printing – Dye Sublimation

Superb Color Matching;

Absolute White And Darkest Black in the Industry

10 Feet Wide Without Seam

Any High Resolution Digital Image

preferably 100dots per inch (DPI)

Any Digital File Type

Submit Files Via Wetransfer, Dropbox

Graphical Design, Photo Selection and Expertise Available